Comparison Tool

Compare Skaters

Note: must select skaters from autocomplete list.

Head-to-Head Matrix

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva Satoko Miyahara Elena Radionova
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva 4-4 6-8
Satoko Miyahara 4-4 4-6
Elena Radionova 8-6 6-4

Legend for Score Tables

ISU Competition Other Competition

Short Program Scores

Hover over any table cell to get competition name and TES/PCS breakdown.

Skater Most Recent Least Recent
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva 72.86 [1] 12-2019 65.57 [4] 11-2019 67.28 [5] 10-2019
Satoko Miyahara 63.09 [6] 11-2019 68.91 [2] 11-2019 74.16 [1] 9-2019
Elena Radionova 66.16 [13] 12-2017 68.75 [5] 10-2017 64.42 [3] 9-2017

Free Skate Scores

Hover over any table cell to get competition name and TES/PCS breakdown.

Skater Most Recent Least Recent
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva 148.29 [1] 12-2019 143.53 [2] 11-2019 138.69 [3] 10-2019
Satoko Miyahara 129.33 [4] 11-2019 142.27 [3] 11-2019 130.14 [2] 9-2019
Elena Radionova 130.62 [9] 12-2017 131.06 [1] 11-2017 126.77 [4] 10-2017

Total Scores

Hover over any table cell to get competition name.

Skater Most Recent Least Recent
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva 221.15 [1] 12-2019 209.10 [3] 11-2019 205.97 [3] 10-2019
Satoko Miyahara 192.42 [4] 11-2019 211.18 [2] 11-2019 204.30 [1] 9-2019
Elena Radionova 196.78 [10] 12-2017 131.06 [1] 11-2017 195.52 [4] 10-2017